Ago 28

Yes, I’m on the web and this time with my own domain!
I just bought a domain with tophost because it doesn’t costs very much but, at the same time, suits my needs (at least at the moment).
Of course every possible domain name was already registered, so I went for a simple

I just installed the latest version of WordPress and, for a very long time (I suppose), this blog is gonna be the only activity on this website. I have not enough time to also learn PHP well, design graphics, make tests on every existing browser, operating system, monitor resolutions etc.

Being the “only” task doesn’t mean maintaining this blog is gonna be easy, and if you know me, you can guess why… yes, I’m thinking about users management, group policies, permissions for reading and/or leaving comments etc.
Well, I think I’ll stop now, ‘cause this post is already getting too long for being a simple “Hey World, I’m here too!”.



Categories: std comms

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